Thursday, September 4, 2008

4 MONTH PICS........

Here are just a few of our favorite pictures
of our baby girl......Hope you enjoy:)

If anyone would like the name and number of the lady
that took her pics you can e-mail me at
She did an amazing job and I would definately reccomend her.


Anonymous said...

Yeah getting sick is not cool!

Anywho - I love the pix April. Kennley is such a little hottie. I guess it's true....Good looking parents equal great looking babies:)

Well I gotta jam, but take care and tell the fam I said hi.

Jeremy, Laura-Ann and Madilynn Nutt said...

Those pics are way cute. I would love to get the lady's info. e-mail me.

mike and elise said...

SUCH cute photos! Kennley is so darling - I can't wait to watch her on Monday!! By the way, love your haircut April!

Chinos :) said...

I love the one with the Red Flower in her face its just a diffrent kind of pic then you normaly see... so sweet and ps you have amazing EYEBROWS girl I want them... I hate mine yours are perfect! :)

Galbfam said...

What cute pictures! She is very cute. Jared wanted me to tell you hey! So hey from J rod =)